In my family, back to school time is a great time of change.  The sleep schedules change.  The eating schedules change.  Our day to day calendar changes.  Children stress about new classes, new teachers and new friends.  It can be stressful for everyone.

I encourage everyone to take a moment to breathe and appreciate the gift of another year with your children.  I know some of you change custody schedules when school starts due to a divorce or other court order.  Take a moment to speak with the other parent and discuss any issues that the new year may have on your schedules and the parenting plan from court.  Don’t let these issues build up and cause more stress on you or your children.  Communication at times of change is always essential.

Another end of summer stressor can be that of back to school shopping.  I have seen too many people get in trouble buying “excess” amounts for school or school activities.  Spending too much on clothes or activities can cause major financial strains on families.  Bankruptcy can result if overspending lasts for too long.  Often times, the end of the summer is a good time to plan a budget for the school year.  It is important to be realistic with your budget and to follow it.

I hope the new school year treats all of you and yours well.  As always, if you have a question on your divorce decree or custody orders give me a call and if you have already experienced financial strains, come in and visit with me about how we can alleviate some of that burden through a bankruptcy or other debt resolution process.

I look forward to serving you.

My Best Regards,

Kelly Michael Bosserman, ESQ