It means something different to each of us. It means the world to all of us.
Building your family through adoption can be infinitely rewarding. However, without the assistance of an experienced guide, it can also be intimidating, challenging and confusing.
At Bosserman Law, you’ll find a compassionate, capable family advocate in Kelly Bosserman who has helped countless families experience the joy of adoption – including his own.
“I adopted three children. They are the joy of my life! I live the life changing experience of adoption first hand. I know the blessings and I understand the fears of the process. I will guide you and walk with you through the journey like we were family. ”
His personal journey, combined with years of professional experience, has prepared Kelly Bosserman to carefully guide your family through initial custody placements and home studies to court hearings and finalizations.

Families grow in countless ways. No matter how yours is about to grow, Kelly Bosserman is ready to help.
Step-Parent Adoptions
Grandparent Adoptions
Foreign Adoptions
Domestic Adoptions/ Agency Adoptions
Contested Adoptions

Sensitive questions. Insightful answers.
Bosserman Law has the answers to all of your questions regarding agency fees, state, national and international laws, parental rights and more.
Don’t know where to start?
Start here by contacting Bosserman Law at 662.890.9558 for guidance and advice on adoptions and reputable, caring adoption agencies to begin an amazing family.
Ready to talk? Contact me today!
Learn More About Adoption On Our Blog!
Our Top 5 Tips for Choosing a Memphis Adoption Lawyer
Bosserman Law Is Your Memphis Adoption Lawyer Adopting a child means taking on an additional responsibility. Yes, it is a nice way to give children that have been abandoned or lost their parents at a young age a childhood they deserve. However, not being able to pull...
Top 5 Things You Should Know About Adoptions
Adopting a child means taking on an additional responsibility. Yes, it is a nice way to give children that have been abandoned or lost their parents at a young age a childhood they deserve. Not being able to pull it off properly can ruin the lives of both the adoptive...
Domestic Adoption: Fact vs. Fiction
Separating fact from fiction when it comes to the law is never easy. Matters get more complicated with the topic of domestic adoption law. With such an emotionally charged subject and constant developments, it can be hard to distinguish what’s real and what’s just a...