If you are like a lot of my clients, you have a certain way that you like things done.  Your legacy should be no different.  By drafting a simple will, you can control how the things you have worked hard for are divided.  You can control who ensures that your wishes are followed.  Don’t let someone, who has not earned the right to be apart of your legacy, receive a substantial portion of the inheritance from you, unless you want them to receive it.

For a very affordable price, you can be certain on who receives what from your estate.

It may be that your desires will be followed easier if you create a trust.  It may be that we can make your intentions known on most of your property without having it go through the probate courts.  I can sit down with you and talk about all of your options.  I will not over sell you on documents that you don’t need.  I will direct you in the manner that you deem fit after explaining to you all of your options and hearing what way you desire to proceed.

Simple Wills will not cost you much but it will protect your estate greatly.

I look forward to serving you.

Thank you.

My Best Regards,

Kelly Michael Bosserman, ESQ