How Obamacare affects your business

Many of my business clients and actually clients in general are trying to understand how the new Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) affects their business. There are several areas of the Act which may affect you or your business. As an individual new exchanges are...

Where there is a Will there is a way

If you are like a lot of my clients, you have a certain way that you like things done.  Your legacy should be no different.  By drafting a simple will, you can control how the things you have worked hard for are divided.  You can control who ensures that your wishes...

Bankruptcy, Divorce and Business

Some people have all of the luck.  Some people can’t seem to have any.  I receive calls all of the time from people with multiple issues.  Frequently, marriages have reached the point of no return and many times it is due to financial decisions and financial...

Weekend Visitation

It is Friday! TGIF! Right? For some people the weekend isn’t always great if it is the time when a custody exchange must be done with children.  The terms of the exchanges are outlined in your divorce judgment, custody decree or parenting plan and they should be...

Write it down, Take pictures and Leave

All too frequently, I meet clients who have experienced emotional or physical abuse from their spouse and/ or perhaps their children have experienced the abuse.  My clients have finally had enough and want to file for divorce and sole custody of the children, due to...

Trying to Hold On

I had a client come in the other day saying what many other clients have told me, that they were trying to hold on and not file bankruptcy.  Unfortunately, that meant they had cashed out retirement accounts to pay their bills.  As in most cases, this was not enough...